
For the Confcommercio SPIN system

For the company

For ICT companies

Networking and ecosystems
EDI is an ecosystem that promotes a network of collaborations and interactions between the main stakeholders involved in the digitization process, including SMEs, start-ups, entrepreneurs, competence centers, universities, research centers, technological clusters, investors and local authorities. The EDI ecosystem facilitates the flow of information and resources between the main innovation players and promotes the skills and know-how transfer by connecting networks located throughout the country.

Technological and digital maturity test
EDI offers SMEs the opportunity to assess the level of digital and technological maturity through a self-assessment tool or through a survey carried out by experienced EDI staff. The analysis is carried out in the context of the technologies adopted, the management system, the equipment, the technical skills and the transversal skills of employees and managers to diagnose the needs and guide companies towards the most appropriate solutions that can range from training, to design, to digital and innovative services.

R&I projects
EDI supports SMEs in carrying out research and innovation projects with particular attention to digital transformation and key enabling technologies. EDI supports participation in public-private initiatives, promotes projects that provide for the establishment of aggregation of companies and partnerships, assists companies in the drafting of project proposals and in project management. EDI also offers a catalogue of project ideas for the implementation of industrial research projects, experimental development, innovation, training and technology transfer in the retail, tourism, catering, transport and logistics sectors, services to businesses and individuals, digital and advanced tertiary services.

Funding / investment research
EDI supports SMEs to access private, public, local, national and European financing tools for the implementation of investments for the digital transformation of the company. EDI supports SMEs determined to invest in R&I in the search for appropriate financial instruments, also offering a testbefore- invest service to have clear and realistic scenarios of the potential of the technologies to be adopted and the return on investments.

EDI offers companies modular training courses on key issues of digital transformation, innovation and new enabling technologies. The training courses are designed based on the needs of the participants and are structured in video lessons, seminars, webinars, project work and courses with content ranging from digital literacy to the specialist use of new technologies. EDI also periodically carries out the "Train-the-Trainer" activity of the staff and operators of the Confcommercio territorial network to provide companies with an information and assistance service that is always updated and highly qualified.

Specialist advice
EDI offers specialist consulting services for the implementation of the digital transformation of SMEs through personalized support. EDI offers consultancy and assistance to SMEs in the adoption of new digital and enabling technologies, in the drafting of business plans and business models, as well as supports them with business model acceleration and business clinic services.

Support and contest programs
EDI periodically offers contest and challenge sessions, mainly aimed at SMEs, to stimulate competition in the production of innovative ideas. EDI supports companies in the validation and prototyping of design ideas and innovative products through scouting, testing and coaching.

Support to commercial / marketing activities
EDI offers a support service to commercial and marketing activities for companies, allowing them to overcome market obstacles, seize opportunities and affirm their image and products. EDI provides SMEs with a marketplace of commercial and marketing services through its platform which companies can access to acquire specific consultancy and services on the subject.

Diffusion of digital culture and innovation
EDI carries out awareness and information activities in order to stimulate the demand for innovation of SMEs and strengthen the level of knowledge and awareness of the opportunities offered by digital transformation and new 4.0 technologies. Orientation and awareness-raising activities are carried out through workshops, seminars, meetings and conferences held by experts in the field of innovation and with the support of visits to innovative companies and success stories to test innovative solutions in a real context.